Recent Fire Damage Posts

Tips On Fire Damage Cleanup

8/2/2023 (Permalink)

We might view fires as something abstract, but they are very real. Fires happen every single day, to others due to a variety of reasons. So, one does not usually imagine the scenario in which they, themselves, would have to go through such an experience. This is why most of us, seldom read about what it is that we can do to help ourselves after. However, we are going to change that today. If a fire does happen to occur on your property, then fire damage cleanup tips are something that you should know as they will, undoubtedly, come in handy. 

1.0 What Exactly Is Involved In The Fire Damage Cleanup Process

First thing's first, to understand the tips that we provide for the fire damage cleanup process, you must first know exactly what it is that the process entails. The process involves the removal of any debris caused by the fire, resolution of any sort of water damage, and removal of standing water within your property. That is not all, to ensure that the air quality in your home is as good as it was before the fire, you must start by eradicating the smell caused by the smoke and removing any soot accumulation in your house and places, such as vents. 

2.0 Tips

Now that we know exactly what we have to do during the fire damage cleanup process, here are some tips that will make the entire process much more easy and efficient.

2.1 Safety

Before you start the cleanup process, it is vital for you to ensure that you are safe and using protective gear at all times. So, our first tip is for you to wear protective clothing, such as shoes with heavy soles and work gloves. Next, to make it easier for you to breathe through the dust particles, make sure that before you begin the cleanup process, you water the debris to minimize them. 

2.2 Efficiency

To make the cleanup process more efficient, there are certain ways in which you can make the products you are using work for you. Firstly, to reduce odors set in your clothes after the fire, you can use cleanup products that contain TSP, that is, tri-sodium phosphate. However, make sure to wear rubber gloves when using such products. On the other hand, when cleaning the walls of your property, make sure that you work on one small area of the wall at a time. You can easily use a mild detergent or soap to clean soot from your walls. In fact, you can even mix it with TSP for extra ease and efficiency. Work your way up as this will ensure that your walls don't have any streaking. Then, immediately rinse with clear water. Make sure that you wash your ceiling after you have cleaned all of the walls.  

When dealing with a situation such as fire damage cleanup, things can start to become quite overbearing and emotionally overwhelming. This is why you should take each task one step at a time and remember these tips and all will be well.

Timely Fire Restoration Can Make Your House Livable Again

9/8/2022 (Permalink)

Timely Fire Restoration Can Make Your House New and Livable Again

In the event of a fire, time is not on your side. It doesn't matter if the fire department has put out the flames or if it seems clear that there's nothing to do but wait for a few days for everything to cool down, you should never take too long by getting in touch with a restoration service as soon as you can.

Timely action is a must when disaster strikes, and this is equally true for fire damage restoration. The longer you leave it before contacting a professional cleaning company, the worse your chances are at salvaging anything from your home/office/business premises. In order to ensure proper restoration services are provided, here are some important aspects you need to be aware of:

How much cleaning will be done?

The most important thing is to contact a professional cleaning service at the first sign of damage. A reliable restoration company will be able to provide you with an accurate estimate on what can be salvaged, and how much work will need to go into making your property livable again. Most fire damage professionals can begin working within 24 hours of receiving your call, so the sooner you act the better it'll be for everyone involved.

Cleanup or renovation?

This is one of the main questions that come up when fire restoration may be necessary (not always). If only part of your property was damaged by flames, your best bet is generally opting for cleanup services, rather than full-on renovations. Cleaning eliminates all traces of smoke and soot, while renovations are designed to completely transform the look of your household/place of business. It's important that you're honest about what can be achieved with each choice, so calling up a professional cleaner makes sense regardless of how extensive the damage is.

What should you do in the meantime? If it's impossible for you to go back home after a fire, because there will be structural work involved, or because the property has been deemed unsafe due to serious damage – you'll have to find temporary accommodation elsewhere. Your priority now only lies in making sure that your restoration company has all they need from your insurance company so they can begin repairs as quickly as possible -- and this includes having a detailed assessment on costs available. Don't let anyone pressure you into making hasty decisions until you've had the chance to talk it over with a professional.

The first few days are crucial, so make sure to communicate well with your insurance company and restoration team, as this will speed up the process considerably. Once everyone is on the same page, working together will bring faster results – especially if there's been total destruction from the fire. In all cases of a major disaster however, patience is a virtue – no matter how frustrating it may be!

Unforeseen events can always happen, but since they're usually unforeseen – that's why it pays to have reliable home/office/business insurance. This way even if something bad happens you'll know that all problems should soon go away thanks to quick and efficient restoration services. Our fire damage service providers are reputable and experienced in the field, so call those as soon as you can to get a quote on how much work will need to go into make your home/office/business safe again – and to begin the repair process!

How to Save Your Things during a Fire

9/8/2022 (Permalink)

How to Save Your Things during a Fire

Many people are tragically killed every year by smoke inhalation following the onset of a fire, without ever being directly affected by flames. Some simply panic and run around in circles while others seem to be unaware that they are actually in any immediate danger at all. The chances of someone surviving inside a house fire based on their actions or knowledge before it starts cannot be under estimated, yet most fires do not give us much warning when they start.

If you can grab a few simple items with you during your escape from a burning building—like your car keys, purse, wallet and cell phone—you'll have everything you need to stay connected until rescue personnel arrive. In addition, having them will allow you to make a more accurate report of the fire and the conditions you experienced.

You can increase your chances of surviving a fire by taking precautions before one starts. If there are children, pets or disabled people in your home, you'll need to devise an escape plan that works for everybody involved. In addition, if you're going to bed at night, place several drops of peppermint oil on a tissue near your pillow. This will help clear your nasal passages should carbon monoxide enter the room because it is heavier than air.

Preparing yourself for an emergency well in advance is much better than panicking when one occurs out of the blue! Knowing how to prepare yourself through knowledge alone could save your life someday!

A house catching fire not only means you need to quickly evacuate your dwelling, but also grab some important items before leaving.

Always Take Your Family outside the House First

If you have a family, it is crucial that they are your first priority during an emergency. Take everyone outside to a safe place without waiting for anyone else to come out with you. Taking others with you could result in being stuck inside the house so don't wait for them either - just leave!

Grab Your Valuables Before You Go Outside

Don't forget things like your wallet and other valuables as well as important documents such as passports and deeds. These things can be replaced but this is also the time where you really want to grab photographs from the walls or albums if possible. Remember that once a fire spreads, moving around becomes even more dangerous which means time is of the essence when evacuating!

Go to a Safe Distance and Call for Help

Once you have grabbed what's essential, it is safest to leave the area that is burning altogether. Take your family outside the house and then call for help so that your family can be rescued sooner rather than later. Keep everyone together in a group nearby - do not let anyone run off alone! No matter how old they are or who is leading them, keep your children close by you at all times. By getting these things done ahead of time, you are preparing yourself for saving some important items while escaping from the fire.

Don't Forget the Pet

No matter how small your family is, make sure you include the pet in your escape plan. Never leave a pet behind because they may be waiting for their owners to return and end up dying of smoke inhalation or getting burned when trying to hide inside a crate or kennel.

Importance of Hiring a Professional Fire Damage Restoration Company

8/18/2022 (Permalink)

Importance of Hiring a Professional Fire Damage Restoration Company

When you encounter a fire at your home, the last thing on your mind should be about making repairs. First and foremost, get out of the house and leave everything to the professionals. There are too many risks involved when it comes to dealing with water damage issues after a fire has occurred. The most important reason for leaving a recently burned home in a hurry is that all sorts of toxic smoke particles can linger around in the air for days if not weeks which potentially makes breathing inside very unsafe for people without proper protection.

When faced with such a horrible tragedy, many homeowners tend to underestimate the seriousness of the situation only because they do not have prior experience in handling such problems. In reality though, restoring your burnt back to its original state requires years of knowledge and technical expertise. This is why it is always better to leave your burnt home in the hands of fire damage restoration experts rather than trying to fix things up on your own.

1- Safety hazards:

The moment a fire breaks out, the first thing you should be concerned about is your family's safety. Before anything else, make sure that every member of the household leaves the premises as quickly as possible. The agency which has come to remove hazardous smoke particles from your house should provide each individual present at the site with full face masks and clothing that covers every inch of skin before allowing them back inside for cleanup.

Trying to clean up an aftermath yourself without proper protection can lead to consequences like mold poisoning which may even spread into the blood. So it is always advisable to look for professional help when restoring a fire damaged house since it can be quite risky otherwise.

2- Time constraint:

With every passing minute, you are allowing more time for mold spores and other hazardous particles to settle down in your house. This causes the overall air quality within the premises to deteriorate with each passing moment thus making it hard for people to live in such conditions for prolonged periods of time. The longer you wait before getting rid of these smoke particles, the harder it becomes to keep breathing inside your house safe and healthy which is why hiring experts immediately after a fire occurs is crucial.

3- Cost effective process:

If you are thinking that dealing with water damage issues after a fire is cheaper on your own, you are severely mistaken. It takes years of experience to learn the tricks of this trade which is why most insurance companies will know if you have tried to restore damage on your own without any prior knowledge of restoration work. This could lead to refused insurance claims in some cases thus proving financially burdensome for you in the long run.

4- Hurry up with clean up:

Another reason why one should prefer hiring water damage experts after a fire has occurred at home is that they understand the importance of time when it comes this kind of work. If not dealt with appropriate urgency, chances are your once healthy home may never be restored back again to its original state by any other company but fire and water damage experts. There are several methods of restoring a burnt home which is why hiring the right people for this job is crucial.

5- Extensive and deep clean up:

Burnt homes require an extensive cleaning process which involves removing things like rubble, clothing, carpeting and even furniture if it has not survived the fire. All these items must be disposed of properly in order to clean up your house properly. This is where water damage restoration experts come into play since they are well aware of the process that is needed to restore a burnt home back to its original state.

Does Fire Restoration Actually Work?

8/17/2022 (Permalink)

Does Fire Restoration Actually Work?

It's a scary thought to have your home or office burn down. It is even scarier when you find out that the fire was caused by something as simple as an electrical wire being too close to combustible materials. The reality is, however, that it can be devastating for buildings and contents alike. But do not fear! There are ways to get things back up and running again after a fire has happened.

Can Fire Damage Restoration Companies Actually Restore Your Goods?

The reality is that there are many different degrees of fire damage. Everything from a scorch to an actual burn can make items unusable or even irreparable. The restoration company you work with should be able to give you an accurate estimate on the costs and time it will take for each individual piece after they have made their initial assessment. This way, if your things cannot be restored then at least you know up front rather than waiting weeks upon months only to find out that nothing can be done!

Does Restoration Work Change Depending On What Was Destroyed?

Yes, in fact it does change depending on what was destroyed by the fire. Different types of materials require different kinds of treatments because some elements may not react well together. For example, if your things are made of metal then you need to make sure that the restoration company has experience in dealing with this material. If they do not, then it can cause further damage and be more costly than it needs to be!

What to Do After a Fire?

If there is anything at all that was destroyed by fire or heat damages don't try cleaning up yourself no matter how much you may want too. You could actually end up doing worse harm when trying to clean something like a television screen because chemicals on your cloth might react even more aggressively than the flames did originally. This way you will know exactly what kind of treatment each individual damaged item requires which also means lower costs for every single one of them!

Is There Anything I Can Do To Help The Restoration Process?

No matter how much you may want to help in the restoration process, do not try and fix anything on your own. This is especially true when it comes to electrical wiring because this can be just as dangerous for someone attempting a repair than it was before the fire even happened! Let professionals handle all of that so that they know what needs done and also if there is any chance of danger involved with an item or room itself.

Can You Really Restore Things After A Fire Damage?

Yes, companies like ours specialize in making sure everything returns back to normal after such a disaster strikes. So whether you need new drywall put up or appliances restored we have got professional technicians who will take care of it all for you. All of our workers are fully insured and licensed so that we can ensure your safety as well as the quality of materials used in making sure everything looks just like new!

Steps to Take in Case of a Fire

12/1/2021 (Permalink)

Steps to Take in Case of a Fire

Fire safety is a very important topic, and one that many people tend to overlook. Fires can happen at any time, so it's always best to be prepared for the worst! In this blog post, we will go over the steps you should take if faced with a fire. Let's get started!

Many people don't know what to do in case of a fire. To help you out, we will go over some steps that may come in handy! The way that fires can start is very unpredictable and different from one another. For example, some fires begin as an accident where someone was using the stove or oven. Other times it's because of faulty wiring or electrical problems with appliances like TVs and lamps. Despite how they start, every fire requires immediate attention and proper safety procedures so nobody gets hurt.

Don't Throw Water at It

The most important thing to do in case of a fire is not trying to extinguish it with water or any other liquid. In fact, throwing water on the flames can make things worse by spreading the fire and making it harder for firefighters to put out.

Try Stay Calm and Get Everyone Outside

Stay calm so nobody panics! It's important that everybody stays aware of their surroundings even if they're frightened about being in this kind of situation. You should only take your important documents and pictures with you. Leave everything else behind. If there's a specific plan for your building or apartment that requires evacuation during an emergency then leave immediately and stay away from the area until help arrives

Use Fire Extinguisher

This is actually one of the first things you should do in case of a fire. Even if the fire doesn't seem like it's that big, using an extinguisher can stop small fires from getting bigger and more difficult to control later on. However, remember not to aim at the flames – instead we want to direct this toward any flammable materials near them so they don’t catch on fire too! Only use your bare hands or wear protective gloves when trying put out a real blazing inferno with water or an extinguisher. If somebody has already tried putting out their own personal little fire then there might be extreme heat coming off of it which could cause burns quickly if someone else tries touching it without protection!

Cut the path of the fire by removing objects that are cluttered together

This is very important because the less fuel there is for the flames to get big, fast and out of control; the better your chances are of extinguishing it. When you only leave objects like furniture or other loose materials around then this gives room for larger fires to develop without any boundaries! Be sure to check if anyone has been trapped in a backroom that's on fire before leaving them alone in case they have collapsed unconscious from smoke inhalation. Make sure everyone knows where exactly they're going so nobody gets lost in panic mode when trying to escape quickly, especially kids who may not be able to find their way outside by themselves easily!

Call the emergency service

This is the most important step of them all. Don't try to handle firefighting by yourself if you don't have any proper equipment or training because it could be life-threatening! The first thing firefighters will do when they arrive at your location is survey the scene and see what's going on. They'll then decide how best to go about putting out the flames based on their initial observations, so that they can put an end to this emergency situation as soon as possible. It’s good practice not just for homeowners but also business owners who might have employees working there, like restaurants with kitchens full of food supplies and flammable liquids!

Use a Cloth to operate door handles as they would be hot from the fire.

If you’re trapped inside the building and have to get out, remember not to use any of your own clothing or bedding items because they could catch on fire too! Use a cloth that's already been soaked in water so it won't burn up when making contact with metal door handles or other objects near heat sources. If there is no available liquid for this then just try banging loudly until somebody comes outside from another part of the house who can help open doors without getting burned themselves!

Fire Restoration: It's More than Just an Appearance Thing

10/26/2021 (Permalink)

Fire Restoration: It's More than Just an Appearance Thing

Fire is one of the most devastating things that can happen to a business. When fire strikes, it doesn't just destroy the building; it destroys everything in its path. Once your merchandise and inventory are gone, you'll need to decide whether or not you want to rebuild. For many people, rebuilding isn't an option because they lack the capital needed for such a project. If this sounds like your situation, we have some great news: there is help available! Fire restoration companies will work with you on finding new locations and getting your business back up and running as quickly as possible following any type of disaster including fire damage!

One thing to keep in mind is that fire restoration isn’t just about making your place look better once again. It is much more than that. Let’s take a look at what other benefits fire restoration offers.

It Helps You Get Rid Of the Odor

When fire strikes, it takes with it not only the physical aspects of your business but also odors. The smoke and soot that is left behind will permeate the walls, floors, and ceilings of your business. You may think that you can just paint over it or lay down new flooring to cover up the smell but you would be wrong! That odor has become a part of everything within those four walls; no matter how much scrubbing we do with bleach, there's still going to be an odors present for quite some time.

That's where fire restoration comes in: they will come onsite and perform what is called deodorization services which will remove not only the visible marks from smoke damage but also any bad smells as well. This process cleans all surfaces affected by fire including carpets, drapes, furniture (upholstery), and countertops.

It Makes the Air Breathable Again

Not only will fire restoration clean the impacted surfaces, but they also take care of cleaning the air inside your building. The process that is used for this step is called ventilation services and it actually cleans out all of those areas where odors are most likely to accumulate including cabinets, drawers, closets, cupboards, even stoves! Believe me when I say that there's nothing worse than being stuck in a space with bad smells filling up your nose. Your customers won't stick around after smelling something so awful which means you'll be losing business left and right!

It Gives You Peace of Mind

Fire restoration companies are not just about removing odors and smoke stains. They also offer peace of mind, which is probably the biggest benefit that you'll get from this process! You see, fire damage can be absolutely devastating especially if it strikes when your business is closed for the day. That leaves all of the work to be done overnight by firefighters and other personnel who may or may not understand what they're doing (or know how to remove certain types of materials). This means that there's nothing protecting you or your family members while sleeping because everything in your place could potentially go up in flames at any moment! With a team dedicated solely to fire restoration services, we will ensure that everything within those four walls stays protected.

It Bumps Up Your Property's Value

One of the last things that I want to talk about is how fire restoration increases your property's value. Now, you may be thinking this doesn't really matter because it all comes down to what type of insurance policy you have and if or not they will pay for any repairs and normally that would be true! However, there are still some instances where even with a high quality insurance policy we can help bump up those values on your behalf. This means more money in your pocket when it comes time to sell (or refinance) your place!

Fire restoration services offer so much more than just cleaning services; these companies are experts at restoring places back to their original condition after being affected by smoke damage or an actual fire. These services include everything from deodorization to ventilation and much more, making them the go to professionals when you need help with restoration!

Smoke Detectors Save Lives

9/1/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO® of Mt. Laurel/Moorestown is part of the community, so urgently wants your safety. If disaster strikes, call us at (856) 778-4055. Emergency service is available all day, every day.

SERVPRO of Mt. Laurel/Moorestown is Faster to any size disaster.

This speed allows SERVPRO of Mt. Laurel/Moorestown to prevent additional damage, and to restore Austin homes and businesses to preloss conditions as much as possible.

Fire is fast

Within two minutes, a fire can move from “easy to escape” to “difficult to escape.”

Within five minutes, fire can destroy a two-story building.

Early warnings are essential.

Newer buildings may be less safe than older ones. Many synthetic materials burn more easily than natural ones like wood or cotton. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) reported that newer buildings burn more quickly and for longer times than older ones.

Smoke detectors provide early warnings

Smoke detectors sense smoke before a fire starts, providing extra time to get out of the building. People who have movement disabilities, older people, children, and pets may need the extra time, but everyone benefits from the warning.

Commercial buildings have codes for the number and placement of smoke detectors.

In homes, the NFPA recommends:

  • At least one alarm inside every sleeping area
  • One on every level of the house (larger houses may need more alarms)
  • Test smoke detectors every month
  • Replace batteries twice a year
  • Never disable a smoke detector before cooking. Use a fan to vent smoke outdoors

SERVPRO of Mt. Laurel/Moorestown is Independently Owned and Operated.

Year-Round Fire Safety

9/1/2021 (Permalink)

During the summer and fall months, we all love to enjoy a nice fire with our friends and family (socially distanced of course) and some s'mores! While in the winter, some of us enjoy a nice fire by the fireplace inside. However, you enjoy your fires, it's important that you are safe! 

Indoor fireplaces/pellet/ wood stoves

Be sure your chimney and stove (if you have one) is inspected and cleaned by a chimney specialist once a year to ensure there is no creosote build-up and no other issues. Keep the area around the fireplace clean and clear of any fire hazards. This can include decorations, tripping hazards, and any other flammable materials. 


  • Ensure the flue is open before igniting a fire
  • Use fireplace gloves when adjusting the doors or screens
  • Close the damper when the fire is completelyout
  • Control your fire

Outdoor fires 

While most of us enjoy sitting outside by the fire with friends and family, enjoying a beautiful summer or fall night, it is always important to remember and be aware of safety and any hazards. 

  • Always use a designated fire pit
  • Keep water nearby in case of an emergency
  • Never use a flammable liquid to start a fire 
  • Don't wear flowy clothing around a fire, always wear snug fit or short-sleeved clothes. 
  • After you've had your fun around the fire, be sure the fire is doused with water and is fully extinguished. 

Whether you're enjoying a campfire outside or warming up by the fire inside, always be sure you're practicing proper safety measures!

SERVPRO of Mt. Laurel/Moorestown is here to help you with any fire-related damage. Our teams are highly trained to help guide you through the entire process. We'll make it "Like it never even happened."

Give us a call at (856) 778-4055, we're always here to help

What To Do And What Not To Do When Dealing With Fire Damage

8/26/2021 (Permalink)

Sometimes unforeseen circumstances can completely change our lives. A fire in your home or place of business is one of them. It can cause extensive damage that can take a while to recover from.

However, you need to start the fire restoration process as soon as possible so you can resume life. When it comes to fire damage and restoration here are some of the things you should do and some you should avoid.

What To Do When Dealing With Fire Damage

It is important to always have a plan when it comes to such damage. Your plan will allow you to take the necessary steps to deal with fire damage and restore everything as fast as possible. Here is everything you need to do:

  • Never enter the property until a professional has told you it’s safe
  • Take pictures so you can have evidence of the damage
  • Call your insurance agent
  • Call your local restoration company such as SERVPRO
  • Limit your movement inside the area of fire
  • If the weather is fine then open all the windows for proper ventilation
  • Throw away drinks and foods that have been left after the fire

All of this will protect you from further damage and help you restore your property as soon as possible. The best thing you can do is call a professional for restoration so they can take care of everything.

What Not To Do When Dealing With Fire Damage

It is important to know what not to do as well so that you don’t end up causing further damage. Here is a list of things you shouldn’t do when dealing with fire damage on your property:

  • Don’t start cleaning everything unless your insurer has assessed everything first
  • Don’t use carpets or other furniture until they have been professionally cleaned after a fire
  • Don’t eat or drink anything that has been exposed to the fire
  • Don’t turn on water, gas, or electricity till everything has been professionally assessed
  • Don’t turn on any electronics until it has been professionally assessed

You need to give time to the professionals to handle all these aspects. This is because the residue that stays after a fire can cause a variety of health effects if you start doing everything too soon.

So, till the professional sort everything out and restore the damage this is what you should and shouldn’t do. Just make sure that you are not using the property at all until it has been assessed by an insurer and a fire restoration professional.

Final Words

If you want to minimize the risk of fire on your property then you should always take preventative measures. However, if you still end up having a fire on your property then this was your complete guide to what you should and shouldn't do.

Follow these steps and you will be good to go. If you want a professional fire damage restoration company then no one does it better than SERVPRO. Feel free to get in touch with us now.

Stop the Fire Before it Ignites

8/10/2021 (Permalink)

No one likes the idea of a fire spreading throughout their property, damaging, and destroying everything in sight. But these things can and will happen, the question is will you be prepared? Fire mitigation and restoration specialists in Croydon Heights, PA, provide all the services you need to ensure your property is safe after these types of occurrences.

Security and Surveillance


Board-up and tarp services

Security and Surveillance

A sense of security is vital for every facility owner. Many mitigation companies will provide just that by setting up surveillance in your facility. Feel free to take advantage of these services!


After a disaster, your property may look vulnerable to thieves and looters. One of the easiest ways to protect your facility from this is to install fencing. Temporary fencing is a practical, cheap, and easy way to keep vagrants and wildlife out of your property while it is being restored. We want to help you in providing the safest, most attainable form of fencing to fit your needs.

Board-up and tarp services

It is far too common that fire damage compromises windows, walls, and roofs. To protect against these vulnerabilities and prevent further damage we will cover these spaces for you. Our crew will use plywood to cover any damage to windows and doors. And will use tarps to cover any holes in the facility’s roof.

Although no property owner wants to think about fire damage, it is important to prepare for the worst to protect yourself, and your brand. If your company has experienced the disaster of a fire, or simply needs to prepare for one, contact your local SERVPRO today!

Tips On Fire Damage Cleanup

12/1/2020 (Permalink)

We might view fires as something abstract, but they are very real. Fires happen every single day, to others due to a variety of reasons. So, one does not usually imagine the scenario in which they, themselves, would have to go through such an experience. This is why most of us, seldom read about what it is that we can do to help ourselves after. However, we are going to change that today. If a fire does happen to occur on your property, then fire damage cleanup tips are something that you should know as they will, undoubtedly, come in handy. 

1.0 What Exactly Is Involved In The Fire Damage Cleanup Process

First thing's first, to understand the tips that we provide for the fire damage cleanup process, you must first know exactly what it is that the process entails. The process involves the removal of any debris caused by the fire, resolution of any sort of water damage, and removal of standing water within your property. That is not all, to ensure that the air quality in your home is as good as it was before the fire, you must start by eradicating the smell caused by the smoke and removing any soot accumulation in your house and places, such as vents. 

2.0 Tips

Now that we know exactly what we have to do during the fire damage cleanup process, here are some tips that will make the entire process much more easy and efficient.

2.1 Safety

Before you start the cleanup process, it is vital for you to ensure that you are safe and using protective gear at all times. So, our first tip is for you to wear protective clothing, such as shoes with heavy soles and work gloves. Next, to make it easier for you to breathe through the dust particles, make sure that before you begin the cleanup process, you water the debris to minimize them. 

2.2 Efficiency

To make the cleanup process more efficient, there are certain ways in which you can make the products you are using work for you. Firstly, to reduce odors set in your clothes after the fire, you can use cleanup products that contain TSP, that is, tri-sodium phosphate. However, make sure to wear rubber gloves when using such products. On the other hand, when cleaning the walls of your property, make sure that you work on one small area of the wall at a time. You can easily use a mild detergent or soap to clean soot from your walls. In fact, you can even mix it with TSP for extra ease and efficiency. Work your way up as this will ensure that your walls don't have any streaking. Then, immediately rinse with clear water. Make sure that you wash your ceiling after you have cleaned all of the walls.  

When dealing with a situation such as fire damage cleanup, things can start to become quite overbearing and emotionally overwhelming. This is why you should take each task one step at a time and remember these tips and all will be well.

5 Things To Do After A House Fire

11/20/2020 (Permalink)

A fire occurring in your house can be both surprising, overwhelming, and confusing. One can easily feel confused about what it is that they should do after going through such an experience. However, reading up and learning about what it is that you can do after a house fire can make you better equipped with dealing with such a situation. So, in order to help you protect yourself and your property, here are 5 things that you can do after a house fire.

Call An Emergency Helpline

Of course, the first step in any emergency situation is to call an emergency helpline. However, you must first ensure that everyone within your house is outside first. The first responders will arrive at your home and will focus their attention on the safety of you and others who live in your house. After all of the house occupants' are out of danger, they will then focus their energy on saving the structural integrity of your house. 

Take Some Time 

While the first respondents are working on dousing the flames, make sure to take time for yourself so that you are able to process the situation. Try to remind yourself and those who surround you that everything will be okay as spiraling will only make you feel more stressed and won't help the process go any faster. Be sure to take everything one step at a time so that you do not overwhelm yourself. 

Contact Your Insurance Agency 

After you have collected your thoughts, contact your insurance agency and ask for their timeline on securing your property, which includes the removal of any standing water as well as covering the doors and windows of your house. The entire process depends on the amount of damage your house has taken, both from the fire and the dousing. Your insurance will help in starting this process for you and will then authorize their company for restoration to secure your property.

Find A Safe Place

As your house, despite the ventilation holes, will now be filled with chemicals, which lowers the air quality drastically, to prevent any health issues, you must then find a safe place to stay for the time being. In fact, the restoration and recovery process can take several months to finish, which is why most people end up residing in a relative's house rather than a hotel. So, be sure to be monetarily prepared. 

Secure Your House 

If you are in a situation where the fire department tells you that your house is safe to live in, you will still have to take certain precautions, such as boarding up your house. This will prevent any outside impurities from entering your house. 

All in all, knowing the steps that you have to take after a house fire will not only help you but will also make you feel more at peace. So, if you ever do go through something like this, we hope that you do not, you will not feel confused rather you will, by default, go into autopilot and start taking the required steps. 

Smoke Detectors Save Lives

8/21/2020 (Permalink)

SERVPRO® of Mt. Laurel/Moorestown is part of the community, so urgently wants your safety. If disaster strikes, call us at (856) 778-4055. Emergency service is available all day, every day.

SERVPRO of Mt. Laurel/Moorestown is Faster to any size disaster.

This speed allows SERVPRO of Mt. Laurel/Moorestown to prevent additional damage, and to restore Austin homes and businesses to preloss conditions as much as possible.

Fire is fast

Within two minutes, a fire can move from “easy to escape” to “difficult to escape.”

Within five minutes, fire can destroy a two-story building.

Early warnings are essential.

Newer buildings may be less safe than older ones. Many synthetic materials burn more easily than natural ones like wood or cotton. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) reported that newer buildings burn more quickly and for longer times than older ones.

Smoke detectors provide early warnings

Smoke detectors sense smoke before a fire starts, providing extra time to get out of the building. People who have movement disabilities, older people, children, and pets may need the extra time, but everyone benefits from the warning.

Commercial buildings have codes for the number and placement of smoke detectors.

In homes, the NFPA recommends:

  • At least one alarm inside every sleeping area
  • One on every level of the house (larger houses may need more alarms)
  • Test smoke detectors every month
  • Replace batteries twice a year
  • Never disable a smoke detector before cooking. Use a fan to vent smoke outdoors

SERVPRO of Mt. Laurel/Moorestown is Independently Owned and Operated.

Year Round Fire Safety

8/21/2020 (Permalink)

During the summer and fall months, we all love to enjoy a nice fire with our friends and family (socially distanced of course) and some s'mores! While in the winter, some of us enjoy a nice fire by the fireplace inside. However you enjoy your fires, it's important that you are safe! 

Indoor fireplaces/pellet/ wood stoves

Be sure your chimney and stove (if you have one) is inspected and cleaned by a chimney specialist once a year to ensure there is no creosote build-up and no other issues. Keep the area around the fireplace clean and clear of any fire hazards. This can include decorations, tripping hazards, and any other flammable materials. 


  • Ensure the flue is open before igniting a fire
  • Use fireplace gloves when adjusting the doors or screens
  • Close the damper when the fire is completely out
  • Control your fire

Outdoor fires 

While most of us enjoy sitting outside by the fire with friends and family, enjoying a beautiful summer or fall night, it is always important to remember and be aware of safety and any hazards. 

  • Always use a designated fire pit
  • Keep water nearby in case of an emergency
  • Never use a flammable liquid to start a fire 
  • Don't wear flowy clothing around a fire, always wear snug fit or short-sleeved clothes. 
  • After you've had your fun around the fire, be sure the fire is doused with water and is fully extinguished. 

Whether you're enjoying a campfire outside or warming up by the fire inside, always be sure you're practicing proper safety measures!

SERVPRO of Mt. Laurel/Moorestown is here to help you with any fire-related damage. Our teams are highly trained to help guide you through the entire process. We'll make it "Like it never even happened."

Give us a call at (856) 778-4055, we're always here to help

We can Tackle all your Fire Damages.

8/17/2020 (Permalink)

Many people use candles for a variety of reasons, but it is never a good thing when a candle causes fire damage inside of your home. A mother may want to light some candles and listen to calming music to unwind after a long day. A student may wish to light a scented candle while they study for their midterm. No matter the reason for the candle, it is always imperative to keep fire safety at the forefront of your mind while using one. 

Unfortunately for your home, your daughter left a candle lit in her bedroom, causing fire damage to the immediate area around it. She left the candle burning on the window sill, enjoying the pleasant aroma while she cleaned her room. When she went to get some lunch, the candle remained lit inside of her bedroom, unattended. While gone, the candle caught the drapes on fire, and then jumped to a nearby clothing wrack from them. 

While the fire that happened in your daughter's bedroom was relatively small, it still caused damage. When you find your home in need of fire damage remediation, it is wise to call immediately. Fire damage is always easier to remediate right away rather than later on. 

When you call SERVPRO, our technicians can assemble quickly and then travel to your home in one of our signature green vehicles. Upon arriving, our Institution of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration-certified (IICRC) technicians can get to work straight away. 

SERVPRO technicians use advanced equipment and technology to remediate fire damage. Our first step is to remove the damaged clothing and curtains. We can take an inventory before we dispose of any clothing articles or other damaged goods, to make an insurance claim a little easier for you. From there, we can use house-made cleaning agents, designed to break soot down at a particle level, to clean your walls and window sill. 

To rid your home of the foul odor that fire leaves behind, SERVPRO can use more advanced technology to do the job. Thermal foggers dispense a chemical vapor that traps and neutralizes the particles in the air that cause the malodor. Once finished, we can return your home to you, "Like it never even happened." 

Should you need fire damage remediation, never hesitate. Get in contact with SERVPRO of Mt. Laurel/Moorestown by phoning (856) 778-4055. Whenever you need us, we're ready to help. 

SERVPRO can Tackle Soot and Smoke

8/13/2020 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Mt. Laurel/Moorestown tackles smoke and soot damage caused by fires; often, the damage stemming from smoke and soot can almost be as devastating as the original fire itself. 

Hopefully, your property does not lose sentimental or meaningful items in the fire. But even if it doesn't, the smoke damage could heavily influence the integrity of your belongings. The soot and odor can live within your stuff for long periods of time — something you should probably aim to avoid!

That's why you should call us! We utilize the proper mitigation tools to take care your fire loss and do so with a passion! We have a ton of experience dealing with fires, as it is one of the cornerstones of our business.

You can count on us to accurately assess the situation to determine what type of work needs to be done. We'll get it done right the first time around, too, all because we take pride in our work!

We are available 24/7 for all your emergency restoration needs! Whether you have a fire on the weekend, or you need us in the middle of the night — you can count on us! (856) 778-4055

How to Test Your Smoke Alarms and When to Replace Them

12/2/2019 (Permalink)

Smoke alarms are crucial to preventing fire deaths and injuries during a home fire. However, you need to maintain and test them regularly to ensure they're working properly at any given moment. Here are the steps involved in testing a smoke alarm in your home.

First, make sure everyone in your household test.

Have someone stand in the room farthest way form the alarm you are testing to ensure that the alarm is heard in all rooms of your home.

When everyone is ready, use a sturdy chair or ladder to reach the alarm. Locate the test button, then push and hold it for a few seconds to trigger the alarm.

In addition to testing your alarm manually, you should also check that the sensors are working. Use an aerosol smoke detector tester and spray it towards the alarm; it should go off after a few seconds.

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) recommends that you should test your smoke alarms monthly and replace them every 10 years. Batteries should also be replaced at least once a year.

When Fire is Gone, What it Leaves Behind Will Continue to Affect the House

11/18/2019 (Permalink)

When the firefighters leave, it may seem like the danger has passed and the home is safe from further destruction, but without professionals to help clean the smoke damage, the building will never return to normal. While the principles behind fire restoration are fairly simple, it requires a lot of experience and manpower to perform adequately, and this means that it shouldn’t be attempted by a homeowner on his or her own.

While fire is always the immediate danger, once it is gone, what it leaves behind will continue to affect the house. Ash and smoke, if left unhindered, will cause extensive corrosion, etching and discoloration, not to mention lingering powerful odors. Professionals that clean fire and smoke damage can stop this before it becomes a major problem, assuming they are contacted soon enough. There are many companies out there that advertise their ability to restore areas affected by fire, but only those with proper training and certification should be considered. The Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) is the main oversight agency in this industry. The IICRC requires its registrants to take extensive coursework before earning their certification. This is a symbol of excellence, and those that uphold the standards that have been set can be contacted through the IICRC.

These professionals can clean smoke damage and restore items affected by a fire, but they must be brought to the site as soon as possible to halt the ongoing issues that ash residue can cause. The first thing that ash does to the home is discolor most surfaces. Anything that is made of plastic or was close to the fire will start discoloring within minutes, and within several hours, fiberglass and finishes on appliances will begin to yellow. Metals may also tarnish. After a few days pass, the ash will cause walls to discolor permanently, along with clothing and upholstery. Wood and vinyl will need to be refinished or replaced, and metal will start corroding.

If a professional isn’t hired to clean smoke and fire damage, the costs for restoration will skyrocket after a few weeks. Metals may need to be replaced, carpet will permanently discolor and glass may be severely etched, which will necessitate replacement. It will also become apparent that the odors caused by the disaster may still be present and intense enough to be distracting. Because ash is acidic, the longer it takes to hire experts, the more destruction it will cause.

The first thing a trained, certified, professional company will do when on site is to identify all affected materials and the source of any odors. The only way to properly clean smoke and fire damage is to be extremely thorough. Ash residue is easily disturbed and can spread through the building with ease, causing nearly everything to need restoration. The experts will identify what can and cannot be salvaged, and will remove any built-up ash residue that is coating surfaces. Over time, ash builds up in layers, and may eventually form into a lacquer-like consistency. Once this is done, the restorers will locate the source of the odor, and treat it with specialized detergents that are formulated for neutralizing this kind of odor. Once materials are treated, they may be sealed off to prevent any further odor from permeating the air in the future.

This entire process is very detailed, and hiring a professional that can be trusted to do the job right is imperative.

Electrical Fires

8/22/2019 (Permalink)

this is a picture of a burnt exhaust fan that fell onto a stove  the area around it is charred and cabinets are burnt kitchen fire in Mt. Laurel

Electrical fires
The most inclusive and direct interpretation of “electrical fire” is a fire involving some type of electrical failure or malfunction. Any equipment powered by electricity can have such a failure.

In 2011, an estimated 47,700 home structure fires reported to U.S. fire departments involved some type of electrical failure or malfunction as a factor contributing to ignition. These fires resulted in 418 civilian deaths, 1,570 civilian injuries, and $1.4 billion in direct property damage. In 2007-2011, home electrical fires represented 13% of total home structure fires, 18% of associated civilian deaths, 11% of associated civilian injuries, and 20% of associated direct property damage. 

In 2011, an estimated 16,400 non-home structure fires reported to U.S. fire departments involved some type of electrical failure or malfunction as a factor contributing to ignition. These fires resulted in 13 civilian deaths, 243 civilian injuries, and $501 million in direct property damage. In 2007-2011, non-home electrical fires represented 13% of total non-home structure fires, 5% of associated civilian deaths, 13% of associated civilian injuries, and 21% of associated direct property damage.

The national estimates in this report are derived from data reported to the U.S. Fire Administration’s National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS).  These statistics include fires reported as “confined fires,” for which detailed reporting is not required. Estimates of detailed characteristics for confined fires require statistical allocation of a large share of unknowns and so involve less confidence. 

Half (48%) of 2007-2011 reported non-confined U.S. home structure fires involving electrical failure or malfunction had some type of electrical distribution or lighting equipment as equipment involved in ignition. The leading other types of equipment involved in ignition were fan (6%), washer or dryer (6%), space heater (4%), air conditioning equipment (4%), water heater (3%), and range (3%).

House Fire Safety

8/19/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO® of Mt. Laurel/Moorestown knows that the summer is coming to an end and that means all those barbecues are closing up shop too. The food preparations are being moved indoors, and we want to make sure you have all your tips to make sure no fire breaks out in your kitchen.


According to recent statistics, 48% of house fires are started by cooking equipment. And in recent year there have been roughly 183,300 house fires that were started by cooking equipment. Most kitchen fires are caused by:

  1. Leaving cooking food unattended
  2. Placing combustibles too close to the heat source
  3. Unintentionally turning on or not turning off the equipment


  • Keep close eyes on food cooking on the stovetop and inside the oven.
  • Keep cooking areas clean and clear of combustibles
  • Keep a potholder, oven mitt and lid handy. If a small grease fire starts in a pan, put on a something to protect your hand. Carefully slid the lid over the pan
  • If there is an oven fire, turn off the heat and keep the door closed to prevent flames from burning you and your clothing.
  • If there is a microwave fire, keep the door closed and unplug the microwave
  • Keep a box of baking soda handy

Fire or Smoke Damage in Your Property

8/19/2019 (Permalink)

The process of fire restoration can be very involved. Homeowners and companies can oftentimes be devastated by the damage caused by this kind of event. One aspect that gives peace of mind involves knowing when the right professional has been hired. That is one of the reasons why it is important to hire a firm that is associated with the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification.  

Homeowners and business owners may be in shock from the initial devastation. It is important to try and follow the proper steps to achieve a complete fire restoration. Service providers that are associated with the Institute will have the following distinctions: current training, safety and health certifications, vast amounts of experience in restoration projects and the proper licenses and insurance information. Customers should also check all references and obtain price quotes prior to hiring anyone. Any contracts that are presented should be reviewed closely.

The first step in the process is to clean up as much of the existing area as possible. If the area is not immediately cleaned, soot residue and permanent damage can be left behind. If the homeowner or business owner does the initial cleaning, it is important to follow these steps. When cleaning, always use dust masks and open the area for proper ventilation. Clean from the ceilings to the floors and vacuum all floors and upholstery. Wash any items that are able to be laundered. Clean the outside with a pressure washer if available. 

If immediate clean up is not done, it can lead to devastating effects. Within minutes of fire and smoke damage, appliances and many items will discolor to a yellow hue. After a few hours, acid will stain bathrooms and many other areas of the home or business. Within days, walls will discolor permanently and items will begin to rust due to the acid residue.  Finally, after weeks the cost of clean-up will become substantially more expensive. The building and furnishings can be permanently damaged by the acid left behind. Soot residue will be layered throughout the home or business. For these reasons, it is vital to contact a professional associated with the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification to utilize fire restoration techniques in an effort to return the home or business to a preloss state. One company or service provider should be able to handle the damage. The seal of Certification by the Institute should be shown on any provider’s website. This shows the customer the reliability and the expertise of the service provider.

Residue and smoky odors need to be removed immediately. Professionals will use the process of fire restoration to achieve satisfactory results. SERVPRO of Mt. Laurel/Moorestown  will remove the source of the odor, clean any items that can be salvaged, get rid of any lingering odor with an odor counteractant and deodorizing fog. Finally, the provider will seal salvageable items to encapsulate odor and prevent further recontamination.

Homeowners and businesses that are educated in the fire restoration process are able to minimize the cost of repair. Professionals can be contacted in a timely manner to return the area to a preloss state.  By hiring the right professionals the victims can have some peace of mind during a very stressful time.

Fire Safety Plan

8/7/2019 (Permalink)

Before a fire occurs, your primary focus should be safety first and the first step of making sure you are safe is having a plan.

SERVPRO wants to make sure you and your family is covered in case a fire breaks out, by giving helpful tips to use before, during, and after a fire.

Before a Fire

  • Create and practice a fire escape safety plan; make sure to practice at least twice a year.
  • Make sure to check your fire alarms regularly.
  • Make sure to create a safe meeting place
  • Teach stop, drop, and roll

During a Fire

  • Make sure to crawl under the smoke
  • Before opening a door, make sure to feel the doorknob with the back of your hands.
  • Once you made it out safely make sure to call 9-1-1; do a head count and make sure everyone is there. If not tell the fire department do not try and go back in yourself

After a Fire

  • Ask and see if it’s safe to go back inside, make sure you take picture of things for records
  • If the building is still standing make sure to call SERVPRO® of Mt. Laurel/Moorestown 856-778-4055

SERVPRO® of Mt. Laurel/Moorestown hopes you and your family never has to deal with a fire but, in the chance you are call the people who will make sure that you and your family are taken care of.

Smoke and Soot Damage

12/3/2018 (Permalink)

Smoke and soot is very invasive and can penetrate various cavities within your home, causing hidden damage and odor. Our smoke damage expertise and experience allows us to inspect and accurately assess the extent of the damage to develop a comprehensive plan of action.  

Smoke and soot facts:

  • Hot smoke migrates to cooler areas and upper levels of a structure.
  • Smoke flows around plumbing systems, seeping through the holes used by pipes to go from floor to floor.
  • The type of smoke may greatly affect the restoration process.

Different Types of Smoke

There are two different types of smoke–wet and dry. As a result, there are different types of soot residue after a fire. Before restoration begins, SERVPRO of Mt. Laurel / Moorestown will test the soot to determine which type of smoke damage occurred. The cleaning procedures will then be based on the information identified during pretesting. Here is some additional information:

Wet Smoke – Plastic and Rubber

  • Low heat, smoldering, pungent odor, sticky, smeary. Smoke webs are more difficult to clean.

Dry Smoke – Paper and Wood

  • Fast burning, high temperatures, heat rises therefore smoke rises.

Protein Fire Residue – Produced by evaporation of material rather than from a fire

  • Virtually invisible, discolors paints and varnishes, extreme pungent odor. 

Our Fire Damage Restoration Services

Since each smoke and fire damage situation is a little different, each one requires a unique solution tailored for the specific conditions.  We have the equipment, expertise, and experience to restore your fire and smoke damage.  We will also treat your family with empathy and respect and your property with care.

Have Questions about Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage?
Call Us Today – 
Mt. Laurel / Moorestown  856.778.4055

How to Test Your Smoke Alarms and When to Replace Them

11/17/2018 (Permalink)

Smoke alarms are crucial to preventing fire deaths and injuries during a home fire. However, you need to maintain and test them regularly to ensure they're working properly at any given moment. Here are the steps involved in testing a smoke alarm in your home.

First, make sure everyone in your household test.

Have someone stand in the room farthest way form the alarm you are testing to ensure that the alarm is heard in all rooms of your home.

When everyone is ready, use a sturdy chair or ladder to reach the alarm. Locate the test button, then push and hold it for a few seconds to trigger the alarm.

In addition to testing your alarm manually, you should also check that the sensors are working. Use an aerosol smoke detector tester and spray it towards the alarm; it should go off after a few seconds.

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) recommends that you should test your smoke alarms monthly and replace them every 10 years. Batteries should also be replace at least once a year.

Why Choose SERVPRO of Mt. Laurel/Moorestown?

8/22/2018 (Permalink)

We're Faster to Any Disaster

Immediate action is crucial when dealing with water and fire damage. We're dedicated to responding immediately when you need help. A fast response helps lessen the damage, limits secondary damage, and reduces costs.

We're Fire and Water Damage Specialists

As fire and water restoration specialists, we have the training, experience and specialized equipment necessary to restore your home or business. We are committed to providing superior service while restoring your property back to pre-fire conditions.

  • Fire & Smoke Restoration Technician
  • Odor Control Technician
  • Upholstery & Fabric Cleaning Technician
  • Water Damage Restoration Technician

Our Restore Vs. Replace Mentality

We focus on restoring versus replacing because restoring the affected areas of your property is substantially less costly than demolishing and replacing those areas.

Garage Fire Safety Tips

8/10/2018 (Permalink)

According to the U.S. Fire Administration, residential garage fires tend to spread faster than fires which start in another area of a home. Check out these tips to learn how to prevent tires in your garage:

  • Store flammable substances, such as paints, gasoline, oil or varnish outside the garage an home, preferably in a shed.
  • Always keep items which can catch fire on high shelves and away from appliances that produce heat.
  • Use electrical appliance or tools carefully.
  • Install a heat alarm that will sound when it detects dangerously high temperatures.
  • Don't fill portable gasoline containers inside.

However, if a fire happens in your garage contact SERVPRO of Mt. Laurel/Moorestown to make your garage look "Like it never even happened."

Grease Fire

8/6/2018 (Permalink)

Grease fires happen when collections of oil or grease on a stove, oven or fryer get hot enough to ignite. It's easy to lose track of a pot of oil on the stove until it ignites.

Grease fires are extremely dangerous because the fuel source (the grease) is a liquid, and easily splashes If you try to spray water on it. Grease fires burn very hot and can quickly spread to cabinets or other flammable areas of the kitchen.

The most important thing you can do to prevent a fire in the kitchen is to stay put. The NFPA reports that unattended cooking is the leading cause of home cooking fires.

If your faced with grease fire aftermath contact SERVPRO of Mt. Laurel/Moorestown to restore your home "Like it never even happened."

Being Proactive After A Fire

8/2/2018 (Permalink)

No matter the time of year the threat of fire is always near. A fire can break out at any time. It's important to be proactive and protect your family and home from a fire disaster. Remember to always contact a professional fire damage restoration team like SERVPRO of Mt. Laurel/Moorestown before you enter a home after a fire.

Everyone knows about the most common fire starters, but here are a few of the unexpected fire starters; laptops, heat pads & electric blankets, charcoal briquettes, the monster in the closet and dust bunnies.

It only takes a few minutes to check the closets and other unexpected fire hazards in your home.

If a fire strikes your home contact SERVPRO of Mt. Laurel/Moorestown and we'll make your home "Like it never even happened."

Barbecue Safety Tips

6/13/2018 (Permalink)

It happens every year. The weather gets warmer, more people use outdoor grill - and incidents of grill-caused fires go up. Here are BBQ safety tips that will keep you and your home safe for your summer 2018 barbecuing season:

1. Grill outside and away from any structures.

2. Make sure your gill is stable.

3. Keep your grill clean.

4. Check for propane leaks on your gas grill.

5. If the flame goes out, wait to relight it.

6. Take care around the grill.

7. Be careful with charcoal starter fluid.

8. Wear the right clothing.

9. be ready to put out the fire.

However, if you find yourself facing fire damage from your recent barbecuing session contact SERVPRO of Mt. Laurel/Morrestown. Our franchise professionals have the training and experience to make your fire damage "Like it never even happened."

Apartment Fire in Mt.Laurel/Moorestown

5/14/2018 (Permalink)

Apartment Fire

Many renter's don't realize that the fire may not happen in your apartment, but that doesn't mean you won't be affected by it.

Whether you had the fire, or not

SERVPRO of Mt.Laurel/Moorestown is here to help and make it "Like it never even happened."

Plugging a space heater into a power strip can be disastrous here's why

12/1/2017 (Permalink)

Plugging a space heater into a power strip can be disastrous here's why

As temperatures begin to dip across the country, millions of people are pulling space heaters out of storage to help warm their homes.

You should never plug a heater into a power strip.

These units are not designed to handle the high current flow needed for a space heater and can overheat or even catch fire due to the added energy flow. 

Most people do not realize that power strips are not the same thing as surge protectors.

You should definitely not use an extension cord or power strip, which could easily overheat. And you really shouldn't plug any other electrical devices into the same outlet as the heater for safety reasons.

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission warns against using extension cords or power strips with space heaters to reduce fire risks. The agency says that portable electric heaters cause 1,100 fires per year, resulting in about 50 deaths, dozens of injuries and millions of dollars in property loss.

According to the National Fire Protection Association, 32 percent of home-heating fires involve space heaters, resulting in 79 percent of home-heating fire deaths in the United States.    

Energy Saving Tips for Winter

11/28/2017 (Permalink)

Energy Saving Tips for Winter

The strategies below will help you save energy, save money, and stay comfortable during the cold winter months. Some of the tips below are free and can be used on a daily basis to increase your savings; others are simple and inexpensive actions you can take to ensure maximum savings through the winter.

If you haven't already, conduct an energy audit to find out where you can save the most, and consider making a larger investment for long-term energy savings.

Take Advantage of Heat from the Sun

  • Open curtains on your south-facing windows during the day to allow sunlight to naturally heat your home, and close them at night to reduce the chill you may feel from cold windows.

Cover Drafty Windows

  • Use a heavy-duty, clear plastic sheet on a frame or tape clear plastic film to the inside of your window frames during the cold winter months. Make sure the plastic is sealed tightly to the frame to help reduce infiltration.
  • Install tight-fitting, insulating drapes or shades on windows that feel drafty after weatherizing.
  • Find out about other window treatments and coverings that can improve energy efficiency.

Adjust the Temperature

  • When you are home and awake, set your thermostat as low as is comfortable.
  • When you are asleep or out of the house, turn your thermostat back 10° to 15° for eight hours and save around 10% a year on your heating and cooling bills. A smart or programmable thermostat can make it easy to set back your temperature. 
  • If you have a heat pump, maintain a moderate setting or use a programmable thermostat specially designed for use with heat pumps.

Find and Seal Leaks

  • Seal the air leaks around utility cut-throughs for pipes ("plumbing penetrations"), gaps around chimneys and recessed lights in insulated ceilings, and unfinished spaces behind cupboards and closets.
  • Find out how to detect air leaks.
  • Learn more about air sealing new and existing homes.
  • Add caulk or weatherstripping to seal air leaks around leaky doors and windows.
  • Find out how to select and apply the appropriate caulk and weatherstripping.

Maintain Your Heating Systems

  • Schedule service for your heating system.
  • Furnaces and heat pumps: Replace your filter once a month or as needed. Find out more about maintaining furnaces or boilers and heat pumps.
  • Wood- and Pellet-Burning Heaters: Clean the flue vent regularly and clean the inside of the appliance with a wire brush periodically to ensure that your home is heated efficiently. Find other maintenance recommendations for wood- and pellet-burning appliances.

Reduce Heat Loss from the Fireplace

  • Keep your fireplace damper closed unless a fire is burning. Keeping the damper open is like keeping a window wide open during the winter; it allows warm air to go right up the chimney.
  • When you use the fireplace, reduce heat loss by opening dampers in the bottom of the firebox (if provided) or open the nearest window slightly--approximately 1 inch--and close doors leading into the room. Lower the thermostat setting to between 50° and 55°F.
  • If you never use your fireplace, plug and seal the chimney flue.
  • If you do use the fireplace, install tempered glass doors and a heat-air exchange system that blows warmed air back into the room.
  • Check the seal on the fireplace flue damper and make it as snug as possible.
  • Purchase grates made of C-shaped metal tubes to draw cool room air into the fireplace and circulate warm air back into the room.
  • Add caulking around the fireplace hearth. Find out more techniques to improve your fireplace or wood-burning appliance's efficiency. Learn tips for safe and efficient fireplace installation and wood burning.

Lower Your Water Heating Costs

  • Turn down the temperature of your water heater to the warm setting (120°F). You'll not only save energy, you'll avoid scalding your hands.
  • Find other strategies for energy-efficient water heating.

Lower Your Holiday Lighting Costs

  • Use light-emitting diode -- or "LED" -- holiday light strings to reduce the cost of decorating your home for the winter holidays.
  • Learn about the advantages and potential cost savings of LED holiday light strings.
  • Find manufacturers and brands of ENERGY STAR® certified decorative light strings.

Tax Credits, Rebates & Savings Website:

Here are the 8 most common fire hazards in the home

11/17/2017 (Permalink)

Here are the 8 most common fire hazards in the home

A recent fire at a 16,000 square foot mansion on the waterfront in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, took the lives of six people including two grandparents and their four grandchildren. The cause of the fire, according to investigators, was a 16-foot tall Christmas tree that the owners left lit most of the time in the great room of the house. An electrical failure ignited the two-month-old tree, which swiftly fueled the fire in the rest of the house.

The lack of a sprinkler system inside the house or fire hydrants and other water sources near the home made it extremely challenging for fire fighters who responded to the call.

1. Candles

Who doesn’t love the romantic glow of candlelight? But, even if you enjoy their fragrance and ambiance, you might want to think twice before lighting a candle and leaving the room. From 2007-2011, the NFPA says there were an average of 10,630 fires in the U.S. that were started by candles, causing 115 deaths, 903 injuries and approximately $418 million in property damage. That is an average of 29 candle fires per day.

About one-third of these fires started in bedrooms, causing 39% of the associated deaths and 45% of the associated injuries. More than half of all candle fires start because of candles that were left too close to flammable items. They should always be kept at least 12 inches away from anything that can burn.

2. Smoking

While the number of fires caused by smoking is trending downward, the NFPA found that there were still an average of 17,600 related fires per year resulting in 490 deaths and more than $516 million in property damage.

3. Electrical & Lighting

Electrical fires can have a number of different origins. They can be caused by an equipment malfunction, from an overloaded circuit or extension cord, or from an overheated light bulb, space heater, washer, dryer or other appliance.

According to the NFPA, in 2011 approximately 47,700 home structure fires were caused by some sort of electrical failure or malfunction. These resulted in 418 deaths, 1,570 injuries and $1.4 billion in property damage. 

4. Dryers and washing machines

Clothes dryer fires happen more often than one might think, accounting for 16,800 home structure fires in 2010 and doing more than $236 million in property damage. The most frequent causes of fires in dryers are lint/dust (29%) and clothing (28%). In washers, they are wire or cable insulation (26%), the appliance housing (21%) or the drive belt (15%).

5. Lightning

Unlike other types of house fires, which occur more frequently in the winter months, those caused by lightning are more likely to happen in June, July and August in the late afternoon or early evening. From 2007-2011, NFPA says there were an average of 22,600 fires per year caused by lightning strikes.

6. Children playing with fire

The NFPA says that children start an average of 7,100 home fires per year, causing approximately $172 million in property damage. July is the most active month for these fires, and males start the majority (83%) of them. Younger children under the age of six are more likely to start fires inside, using matches or a lighter as the ignition source. The most frequent sites for fires are the bedroom (39%), kitchen (8%) and living room/family room/den (6%). Older children are more likely to start fires outside.

7. Christmas trees

Like candle fires, Christmas tree fires are more common during the holidays, with 43% occurring in December and 39% in January. The NFPA says an average of 230 fires are attributed to Christmas trees each year and they are more likely to be serious because of the factors that can contribute to the fire: a dry tree, electrical lights and a fuel supply (gifts) under the tree. Christmas tree fires cause an average of $18.3 million in property damage each year.

8. Cooking

The number one source of house fires is cooking – usually leaving pots or pans unattended on the stove while you run away to do something for “just a minute.” The NFPA says that 40% of all house fires, or an average of 156,600 per year, start this way, causing approximately $853 million in property damage. Two-thirds of the fires started because the food or other materials caught fire.

Fires are more likely to start on a range (57%) as compared to the oven (16%), mainly due to frying. Most injuries occur when the cook tried to put out the fire.

Several years ago in Florida, investigators saw a pattern of fraudulent house fires that started in the kitchen when the owners left food cooking on the stove while they ran to the store for a missing ingredient. Grease would catch on fire and the flames spread from there. 

Contact a Fire and Smoke damage Restoration contractor, for any Fire Damage and Smoke damage to your property

Best Property Improvement Investments, Water Damage in Mt. Laurel NJ, Fire Damage in Mt. Laurel NJ,

8/22/2017 (Permalink)

Best Property Improvement Investments, Water Damage in Mt. Laurel NJ, Fire Damage in Mt. Laurel NJ,

Best Property Improvement Investments, Water Damage in Mt. Laurel NJ, Fire Damage in Mt. Laurel NJ,

Renovating your Property is a numbers game. How much do you have to spend to fix up your Property and what will it get you in return? When is it worth it to spend more on high-end finishes to get a better return on investment (ROI)? What are the best renovation projects and features that will appeal to the widest range of buyers when you decide to sell?

Home buying and design style are intensely personal choices, and not everyone will love the changes you make. 

By swapping out certain elements in your home, adding keywords to your listing, and playing up certain aspects of your house, you may be able to increase your resell value and sell your home faster.

Kitchen updates

The kitchen is one of the places that buyers look closely at when considering whether or not they will purchase your property. A full-gut kitchen renovation averages a 75 percent return rate (i.e., average cost: $30,000; resale value/ROI: $22,500). However, you may be able to get more or less value depending on what parts you choose to renovate and which you leave as-is. Let’s take a look at individual updates and keyword listings to see what may be more worth your time and money. 

Bathroom updates

Bathrooms are also a big factor home buyers consider, especially when it comes to the master bathroom. A full bathroom renovation will set you back, on average $12,000, and the resale value can average around $10,440 or 87 percent. However you don’t have to do it all. Ditch the cracked porcelain sink for a classy stand-alone pedestal sink, or trade out your dribbling shower head for a luxurious massaging one. 

Integrate granite or quartz counters

Cost Estimate: $50 to $150 per square foot (depending on material)
Keyword in Listing Description Granite: Overall sold for 4% above expected value and 38 days sooner
Keyword in Listing Description Quartz: Overall sold for 6% above expected value and 50 days sooner

General home upgrades

There are a lot of other areas in your home that can be updated with a well-planned swap that could give you additional cash when it comes time to sell. Exchange dated brassy light fixtures for modern can lights and hanging pendants. Replace dead plants and finicky trees with vibrant flowers and shrubs in your front yard for a potential ROI of up to150 percent. From house-wide changes, like new windows to specific appliances, like the water heater, sometimes it’s the “boring” swaps that will make your home that much more appealing to potential buyers.

Install efficient windows

Cost Estimate: $400 to $600 per window (including installation)
Potential ROI: $460 to $690 per window

7 Summer Energy-Saving Tips to Lower Your Electric Bill, fire damage in Cherry Hill NJ, smoke damage in Moorestown NJ,

8/2/2017 (Permalink)

7 Summer Energy-Saving Tips to Lower Your Electric Bill, fire damage in Cherry Hill NJ, smoke damage in Moorestown NJ,

7 Summer Energy-Saving Tips to Lower Your Electric Bill, fire damage in Cherry Hill NJ, smoke damage in Moorestown NJ,

Figuring out how to lower electric bills in the summer can be difficult, especially when temperatures are at their hottest. Luckily, there are some steps you can take to save on your electric bill during the summer months. Try these 7 summer energy-saving tips so you can focus less on your electric bill and more on the pleasures of summer.

How to lower electric bills in the summer

1. Be smart about peak-time summer utility rates.

Plan to run your washer, dryer and dishwasher before 11 a.m. or after 7 p.m. to avoid peak usage times and potentially higher rates. Utility companies often raise gas and electricity rates during the hottest time of the day, according to Energy Upgrade California. You can still load the dishwasher after meals, but waiting a bit to run it can help lower summer electric bills.

2. Look for the Energy Star symbol.

Planning to replace your washer, dryer or refrigerator? Shop with energy savings in mind. The U.S. government’s Energy Star program certifies products that meet strict energy-saving specifications. According to, washers built before 2003 are significantly less efficient than newer models. Energy Star washing machines use about 25% less energy and 40% less water compared with regular washers. Similar money and energy savings can be found in newer dryers, refrigerators and other appliances that are Energy Star-certified.

3. Think outside the oven.

Running your oven on hot days makes your air conditioner run more to keep the house cool. Firing up the backyard grill instead can help you save on your electric bills in the summer.

4. Make cooling off a breeze.

Install ceiling fans, which can help everyone in the room feel cooler without the need to run the A/C as much – or at all. While the fans don’t actually lower the temperature in the room, they create a wind-chill effect and make you feel cooler by accelerating the evaporation of perspiration on the skin. Another summer energy-saving tip: Ceiling fans are of no use when no one is in the room, so turn them off when you leave.

5. Insulate your home.

Heating and cooling account for 50% to 70% of the energy used in the average American home, according to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Reducing the energy spent on cooling by improving insulation is a great way to lower your summer electric bills. Newer homes generally are better insulated than older, unimproved homes because building energy codes have become progressively stricter over the years, says the DOE. If you have an older home, consider adding better insulation. Unless your newer home was constructed with special attention to energy efficiency, your utility bills will still probably benefit from improving your home’s insulation.

6. Check for air conditioner efficiency.

The DOE recommends having a professional check and clean your air conditioner (and your heater) once a year. If the unit is more than 15 years old, you may want to consider replacing it with a newer, more energy-efficient unit. A new system can greatly reduce your energy costs, says the DOE, especially if the existing equipment is in poor condition. On your current system, check your ductwork for dirt streaks, especially near seams. These indicate air leaks, and they should be sealed with a duct mastic sealant. Keep yard debris away from the outside compressor of your air-conditioning unit and keep nearby bushes trimmed.

7. Create your own shade.

Keep draperies and blinds closed on the sunny side of the house. Adding awnings can help, too. Looking for a longer-term solution that will add to the beauty of your property? Plant trees. “This Old House” recommends particular Trees for fast-growing (1½ to 2 feet per year) shade options.

Smoke damage in Moorestown NJ, Why Professionals Should Clean Smoke Damage From A Fire, Smoke damage in Haddonfield NJ,

7/13/2017 (Permalink)

Smoke damage in Moorestown NJ, Why Professionals Should Clean Smoke Damage From A Fire, Smoke damage in Haddonfield NJ,

Smoke damage in Moorestown NJ, Why Professionals Should Clean Smoke Damage From A Fire, Smoke damage in Haddonfield NJ,

When the firefighters leave, it may seem like the danger has passed and the home is safe from further destruction, but without professionals to help clean the smoke damage, the building will never return to normal. While the principles behind fire restoration are fairly simple, it requires a lot of experience and manpower to perform adequately, and this means that it shouldn’t be attempted by a homeowner on his or her own.

While fire is always the immediate danger, once it is gone, what it leaves behind will continue to affect the house. Ash and smoke, if left unhindered, will cause extensive corrosion, etching and discoloration, not to mention lingering powerful odors. Professionals that clean fire and smoke damage can stop this before it becomes a major problem, assuming they are contacted soon enough. There are many companies out there that advertise their ability to restore areas affected by fire, but only those with proper training and certification should be considered. The Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) is the main oversight agency in this industry. The IICRC requires its registrants to take extensive coursework before earning their certification. This is a symbol of excellence, and those that uphold the standards that have been set can be contacted through the IICRC.

These professionals can clean smoke damage and restore items affected by a fire, but they must be brought to the site as soon as possible to halt the ongoing issues that ash residue can cause. The first thing that ash does to the home is discolor most surfaces. Anything that is made of plastic or was close to the fire will start discoloring within minutes, and within several hours, fiberglass and finishes on appliances will begin to yellow. Metals may also tarnish. After a few days pass, the ash will cause walls to discolor permanently, along with clothing and upholstery. Wood and vinyl will need to be refinished or replaced, and metal will start corroding.

If a professional isn’t hired to clean smoke and fire damage, the costs for restoration will skyrocket after a few weeks. Metals may need to be replaced, carpet will permanently discolor and glass may be severely etched, which will necessitate replacement. It will also become apparent that the odors caused by the disaster may still be present and intense enough to be distracting. Because ash is acidic, the longer it takes to hire experts, the more destruction it will cause.

The first thing a trained, certified, professional company will do when on site is to identify all affected materials and the source of any odors. The only way to properly clean smoke and fire damage is to be extremely thorough. Ash residue is easily disturbed and can spread through the building with ease, causing nearly everything to need restoration. The experts will identify what can and cannot be salvaged, and will remove any built-up ash residue that is coating surfaces. Over time, ash builds up in layers, and may eventually form into a lacquer-like consistency. Once this is done, the restorers will locate the source of the odor, and treat it with specialized detergents that are formulated for neutralizing this kind of odor. Once materials are treated, they may be sealed off to prevent any further odor from permeating the air in the future.

This entire process is very detailed, and hiring a professional that can be trusted to do the job right is imperative.

Fire Damage in Moorestown NJ, Smoke Damage in Moorestown NJ, and Restoration, and the Process of Fire Restoration,

6/28/2017 (Permalink)

Fire Damage in Moorestown NJ, Smoke Damage in Moorestown NJ, and Restoration, and the Process of Fire Restoration, Fire Damage in Mt. Laurel NJ,

Fire Damage in Moorestown NJ, Smoke Damage in Moorestown NJ, and Restoration, and the Process of Fire Restoration,

The process of fire restoration can be very involved. Private homeowners and companies can oftentimes be devastated by the damage caused by this kind of event. One aspect that gives peace of mind involves knowing when the right professional has been hired. That is one of the reasons why it is important to hire a firm that is associated with the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification.  

Homeowners and business owners may be in shock from the initial devastation. It is important to try and follow the proper steps to achieve a complete fire restoration. Service providers that are associated with the Institute will have the following distinctions: current training, safety and health certifications, vast amounts of experience in restoration projects and the proper licenses and insurance information. Customers should also check all references and obtain price quotes prior to hiring anyone. Any contracts that are presented should be reviewed closely.

The first step in the process is to clean up as much of the existing area as possible. If the area is not immediately cleaned, soot residue and permanent damage can be left behind. If the homeowner or business owner does the initial cleaning, it is important to follow these steps. When cleaning, always use dust masks and open the area for proper ventilation. Clean from the ceilings to the floors and vacuum all floors and upholstery. Wash any items that are able to be laundered. Clean the outside with a pressure washer if available. 

If immediate clean up is not done, it can lead to devastating effects. Within minutes of fire and smoke damage, appliances and many items will discolor to a yellow hue. After a few hours, acid will stain bathrooms and many other areas of the home or business. Within days, walls will discolor permanently and items will begin to rust due to the acid residue.  Finally, after weeks the cost of clean-up will become substantially more expensive. The building and furnishings can be permanently damaged by the acid left behind. Soot residue will be layered throughout the home or business. For these reasons, it is vital to contact a professional associated with the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification to utilize fire restoration techniques in an effort to return the home or business to a preloss state. One company or service provider should be able to handle the damage. The seal of Certification by the Institute should be shown on any provider’s website. This shows the customer the reliability and the expertise of the service provider.

Residue and smoky odors need to be removed immediately. Professionals will use the process of fire restoration to achieve satisfactory results. These providers will remove the source of the odor, clean any items that can be salvaged, get rid of any lingering odor with an odor counteractant and deodorizing fog. Finally, the provider will seal salvageable items to encapsulate odor and prevent further recontamination.

Homeowners and businesses that are educated in the fire restoration process are able to minimize the cost of repair. Professionals can be contacted in a timely manner to return the area to a preloss state.  By hiring the right professionals the victims can have some peace of mind during a very stressful time.

Fire Damage, and Restoration, and the Process of Fire Restoration, Fire Damage in Moorestown NJ,

6/6/2017 (Permalink)

Fire Damage, and Restoration, and the Process of Fire Restoration, Fire Damage in Moorestown NJ,

The process of fire restoration can be very involved. Private homeowners and companies can oftentimes be devastated by the damage caused by this kind of event. One aspect that gives peace of mind involves knowing when the right professional has been hired. That is one of the reasons why it is important to hire a firm that is associated with the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification.  

Homeowners and business owners may be in shock from the initial devastation. It is important to try and follow the proper steps to achieve a complete fire restoration. Service providers that are associated with the Institute will have the following distinctions: current training, safety and health certifications, vast amounts of experience in restoration projects and the proper licenses and insurance information. Customers should also check all references and obtain price quotes prior to hiring anyone. Any contracts that are presented should be reviewed closely.

The first step in the process is to clean up as much of the existing area as possible. If the area is not immediately cleaned, soot residue and permanent damage can be left behind. If the homeowner or business owner does the initial cleaning, it is important to follow these steps. When cleaning, always use dust masks and open the area for proper ventilation. Clean from the ceilings to the floors and vacuum all floors and upholstery. Wash any items that are able to be laundered. Clean the outside with a pressure washer if available. 

If immediate clean up is not done, it can lead to devastating effects. Within minutes of fire and smoke damage, appliances and many items will discolor to a yellow hue. After a few hours, acid will stain bathrooms and many other areas of the home or business. Within days, walls will discolor permanently and items will begin to rust due to the acid residue.  Finally, after weeks the cost of clean-up will become substantially more expensive. The building and furnishings can be permanently damaged by the acid left behind. Soot residue will be layered throughout the home or business. For these reasons, it is vital to contact a professional associated with the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification to utilize fire restoration techniques in an effort to return the home or business to a preloss state. One company or service provider should be able to handle the damage. The seal of Certification by the Institute should be shown on any provider’s website. This shows the customer the reliability and the expertise of the service provider.

Residue and smoky odors need to be removed immediately. Professionals will use the process of fire restoration to achieve satisfactory results. These providers will remove the source of the odor, clean any items that can be salvaged, get rid of any lingering odor with an odor counteractant and deodorizing fog. Finally, the provider will seal salvageable items to encapsulate odor and prevent further recontamination.

Homeowners and businesses that are educated in the fire restoration process are able to minimize the cost of repair. Professionals can be contacted in a timely manner to return the area to a preloss state.  By hiring the right professionals the victims can have some peace of mind during a very stressful time.

Fire Safety for Kids, Protecting and Educating your children

5/11/2017 (Permalink)

Fire Safety for Kids, Protecting and Educating your children

A home fire is a devastating event, and one that you never count on happening. Your children are most at risk when this disaster occurs. In fact, children under five are twice as likely as other people to die in a home fire. Tragically, many home fires are started by children playing with dangerous household items – especially lighters and matches. Taking sensible precautions in the home and teaching your child how to escape from a fire can help your family avoid this type of heartbreak.

Prevent Your Child from Starting FiresThe U.S. Fire Administration estimates that 300 people are killed and $280 million in property is destroyed each year as the result of children playing with fire.

Keep matches, lighters and other ignitable substances in a secured location out of your child’s reach. Only use lighters with child-resistant features.

Invest in flameless candles. These candles contain a light bulb rather than an open flame, and take the danger out of your child knocking over a candle.

Help Your Child Survive a FireInstall smoke alarms on every level of your home, inside bedrooms and outside sleeping areas. Once a month check whether each alarm in the home is working properly by pushing the test button. Replace batteries in smoke alarms at least once a year. Immediately install a new battery if an alarm chirps, warning the battery is low.

Teach your children what smoke alarms sound like and what to do when they hear one.

Ensure that all household members know two ways to escape from every room of your home, and where to meet up outside.

Practice your fire escape plan at least twice a year and at different times of the day. Practice waking up to smoke alarms, low crawling and meeting outside. Make sure everyone knows how to call 9-1-1.

Emphasize “get out, stay out.” Only professional firefighters should enter a building that is on fire—even if other family members, pets or prized possessions are inside.

Use quick-release devices on barred windows and doors. Security bars without release devices can trap you in a deadly fire. If you have security bars on your windows, be sure one window in each sleeping room has a release device.

Consider getting escape ladders for sleeping areas on the second or third floor. Learn how to use them, and store them near the windows.

Teach household members to STOP, DROP and ROLL if their clothes should catch on fire.

Do You Have a Fire or Smoke Damage in Your Property? Have A Professional Company Handle The Process Of Fire Restoration.

5/2/2017 (Permalink)

Do You Have a Fire or Smoke Damage in Your Property? Have A Professional Company Handle The Process Of Fire Restoration.

Do You Have a Fire or Smoke Damage in Your Property? Have A Professional Company Handle The Process Of Fire Restoration.

The process of fire restoration can be very involved. Private homeowners and companies can oftentimes be devastated by the damage caused by this kind of event. One aspect that gives peace of mind involves knowing when the right professional has been hired. That is one of the reasons why it is important to hire a firm that is associated with the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification.  

Homeowners and business owners may be in shock from the initial devastation. It is important to try and follow the proper steps to achieve a complete fire restoration. Service providers that are associated with the Institute will have the following distinctions: current training, safety and health certifications, vast amounts of experience in restoration projects and the proper licenses and insurance information. Customers should also check all references and obtain price quotes prior to hiring anyone. Any contracts that are presented should be reviewed closely.

The first step in the process is to clean up as much of the existing area as possible. If the area is not immediately cleaned, soot residue and permanent damage can be left behind. If the homeowner or business owner does the initial cleaning, it is important to follow these steps. When cleaning, always use dust masks and open the area for proper ventilation. Clean from the ceilings to the floors and vacuum all floors and upholstery. Wash any items that are able to be laundered. Clean the outside with a pressure washer if available. 

If immediate clean up is not done, it can lead to devastating effects. Within minutes of fire and smoke damage, appliances and many items will discolor to a yellow hue. After a few hours, acid will stain bathrooms and many other areas of the home or business. Within days, walls will discolor permanently and items will begin to rust due to the acid residue.  Finally, after weeks the cost of clean-up will become substantially more expensive. The building and furnishings can be permanently damaged by the acid left behind. Soot residue will be layered throughout the home or business. For these reasons, it is vital to contact a professional associated with the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification to utilize fire restoration techniques in an effort to return the home or business to a preloss state. One company or service provider should be able to handle the damage. The seal of Certification by the Institute should be shown on any provider’s website. This shows the customer the reliability and the expertise of the service provider.

Residue and smoky odors need to be removed immediately. Professionals will use the process of fire restoration to achieve satisfactory results. These providers will remove the source of the odor, clean any items that can be salvaged, get rid of any lingering odor with an odor counteractant and deodorizing fog. Finally, the provider will seal salvageable items to encapsulate odor and prevent further recontamination.

Homeowners and businesses that are educated in the fire restoration process are able to minimize the cost of repair. Professionals can be contacted in a timely manner to return the area to a preloss state.  By hiring the right professionals the victims can have some peace of mind during a very stressful time.

Property Damage claims Soft goods and Apparel...Yes, SERVPRO Can clean Both!

4/27/2017 (Permalink)

Property Damage claims Soft goods and Apparel...Yes, SERVPRO Can clean Both!

2016 Xactimate claim data shows that there are more soft contents and clothing than all other contents on property claims by a long shot. See the full video report here:


The Esporta Certified Operator cleans twice as much as restoration dry cleaners. With our game-changing technology, you’ll never need to send soft contents to a dry cleaners again. Eliminate the competition from dry cleaners and make more money.

Esporta Certified Operators restore smoke, soot, and water impacted soft contents using the patented Esporta® Wash System.  Traditional restoration companies and restoration dry cleaners typically consider much of these items non-restorable and they end up in a landfill.  

 The Esporta Certified Operators cleans twice as much as restoration dry cleaners. With our game-changing technology, you’ll never need to send soft contents to a dry cleaners again. Eliminate the competition from dry cleaners and make more money.

Esporta Certified Operators restore smoke, soot, and water impacted soft contents using the patented Esporta® Wash System.  Traditional restoration companies and restoration dry cleaners typically consider much of these items non-restorable and they end up in a landfill.  By choosing an Esporta Certified Operator, you can make a big difference. When textiles are sent to the landfill, it leaves the fabric dyes and chemicals to leach into the soil, contaminating both surface and groundwater.

The Esporta Certified Operators provide an unparalleled competitive advantage. Using washing technology & detergents more advanced than any other products in the market, our technology cleans 90% of soft contents that would be considered irrecoverable using any other cleaning method.

 What makes the Esporta Certified Operators so unique is that it is the only process with scientific validation to support it's ability to remove the bacterial contamination found in flood affected goods.  The use of standardized wash programs with proprietary detergents and disinfectants assure consistent decontamination.   No other washing technology has been able to make this claim.


The Most Common Causes of House Fires

4/21/2017 (Permalink)

The Most Common Causes of House Fires

The Most Common Causes of House Fires

A house can easily catch fire from the misuse of appliances and heating equipment to smoking in bedrooms.

 1. Cooking Equipment

Pots and pans can overheat and cause a fire very easily if the person cooking gets distracted and leaves cooking unattended. Always stay in the room, or ask someone to watch your food, when cooking on hotplates.

2. Heating

Keep portable heaters at least one metre away from anything that could easily catch fire such as furniture, curtains, laundry, clothes and even yourself. If you have a furnace, get it inspected once a year to make sure it is working to safety standards.

3. Smoking in bedrooms

Bedrooms are best to be kept off limits for smoking. A cigarette that is not put out properly can cause a flame, as the butt may stay alit for a few hours. It could burst into flames if it came into contact with flammable materials, such as furniture. Did you know that fires started in the bedroom or lounge make up 73% of all house fire fatalities?¹

4. Electrical Equipment

An electrical appliance, such as a toaster can start a fire if it is faulty or has a frayed cord. A power point that is overloaded with double adapter plugs can cause a fire from an overuse of electricity. A power point extension cord can also be a fire hazard if not used appropriately. Double check the appliances and power points in your home.

5. Candles

Candles look and smell pretty, but if left unattended they can cause a room to easily burst into flames. Keep candles away from any obviously flammable items such as books and tissue boxes. Always blow a candle out before leaving a room. Did you know that in Perth last year 34 house fires started as a result of candles?²

6. Curious Children

Kids can cause a fire out of curiosity, to see what would happen if they set fire to an object. Keep any matches or lighters out of reach of children, to avoid any curiosity turned disaster. Install a smoke alarm in your child’s room and practice a home escape plan with your children and family in case there was a fire. Teach kids understand the “stop, drop, cover and roll” drill as well as knowing their address if they needed to call 000.

7. Faulty Wiring

Homes with inadequate wiring can cause fires from electrical hazards. Some signs to see if you’ve bad wiring are: 1) Lights dim if you use another appliance; 2) For an appliance to work, you have to disconnect another; 3) Fuses blow or trip the circuit frequently. Have a licenced electrician come and inspect you house, or contact your landlord if you have any of the above occurrences.

8. Barbeques

Barbeques are great for an outdoor meal, but should always be used away from the home, tablecloths or any plants and tree branches. Keep BBQs regularly maintained and cleaned with soapy water and clean any removable parts. Check the gas bottle for any leaks before you use it each time.

9. Flammable Liquids

If you have any flammable liquids in the home or garage such as petrol, kerosene or methylated spirits, keep them away from heat sources and check the label before storing. Be careful when pouring these liquids.

10. Lighting

Lamp shades and light fittings can build up heat if they are very close to light globes. Check around the house to make sure. Lamp bases can become a hazard if they are able to be knocked over easily, and so should be removed if they are. Check that down lights are insulated from wood panelling or ceiling timbers.

The above tips are a good guide to avoiding a fire in your home. However it’s a good idea to protect yourself with adequate property insurance, cover to ensure you are covered in the unlikely event a fire were to happen.


Fire clean up

1/20/2017 (Permalink)


Fire can cause large amounts of damage on your property. However, there are other damages that can seriously affect the building as well. Smoke odor invades building materials and personal belongings of every kind. Smoke soot damages walls that have not been burned by flames. Experiencing a fire can be devastating, and SERVPRO understands that your cherished possessions and memories are at stake. As fire restoration experts, we specialize in soot and smoke damage as well.

If your home is damaged by fire, it is critical to contact a company that specializes in the fire and smoke restoration process as soon as possible to prevent additional damage. Your local SERVPRO is available 24/7 to help minimize the cost of fire and smoke damage to your home.

Our fire restoration process includes:

  • 24/7 emergency services – onsite and assisting you within hours
  • Prompt damage assessment, pretesting and estimates
  • Emergency board-up and structural stabilization
  • Environmentally friendly methods for cleaning soot and other residue from fire damage
  • Smoke odor removal, sanitation and air purification
  • Careful removal and securing of damaged household goods, personal possessions and other contents for cleaning and restoration
  • Industrial grade water extractors, dehumidifiers, air movers and other equipment used to efficiently remove water resulting from fire extinguishing efforts
  • Reconstruction of the affected areas
  • Disinfectants and antimicrobials used to prevent mold and mildew


We will get your property back to normal faster. Our specialized training, cleaning methods and equipment combined with our experience means quicker clean up and lower smoke damage restoration costs. We can save your personal possessions using specialized equipment and cleaning methods, often being able to restore the contents of your home to their prior condition. We will assist with the insurance claims process to make it as painless as possible for you.

Fire damage

1/17/2017 (Permalink)


In 2015, there were 1,345,500 fires reported in the United States. These fires caused 3,280 civilian deaths, 15,700 civilian injuries, and $14.3 billion in property damage.

  • 501,500 were structure fires, causing 2,685 civilian deaths, 13,000 civilian injuries, and $10.3 billion in property damage.
  • 204,500 were vehicle fires, causing 500 civilian fire deaths, 1,875 civilian fire injuries, and $1.8 billion in property damage.
  • 639,500 were outside and other fires, causing 95 civilian fire deaths, 825 civilian fire injuries, and $252 million in property damage.

The 2015 U.S. fire loss clock a fire department responded to a fire every 23 seconds. One structure fire was reported every 63 seconds.

  • One home structure fire was reported every 86 seconds.
  • One civilian fire injury was reported every 34 minutes.
  • One civilian fire death occurred every 2 hours and 40 minutes.
  • One outside and other fire was reported every 52 seconds.
  • One highway vehicle fire was reported every 3 minutes 1 seconds.


1/5/2017 (Permalink)

This analysis of home fires beginning with decorations includes information on when these fires occur, area of origin, recent trends and causal factors.

Executive Summary

Decorations are a part of many celebrations and holiday observances. They are often seasonal or temporary. Unfortunately, fire safety is sometimes overlooked when putting up decorations. 


National estimates of reported home structure fires derived from the U.S. Fire Administration’s National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) and NFPA’s annual fire department experience survey show that in 2009-2013, decorations, excluding Christmas trees, were the item first ignited in an estimated average of 860 reported home structure fires per year, resulting in an annual average of one civilian fire death, 41 civilian fire injuries, and $13.4 million in direct property damage. 


Candles were the heat source in 38% of the fires. The decoration was too close to a heat source such as a candle or some type of equipment in almost half (45%) of these incidents.  Decoration fires peak in December. 


This fact sheet and accompanying table describe the common causes and circumstances of these fires. These findings identify issues that should be highlighted for decorating safety.

Xmas tree

1/3/2017 (Permalink)

This report provides estimates of the causes and circumstances of home structure fires that began with the ignition of Christmas trees during the five-year period of 2010-2014. Trend data are also presented. Previously published descriptions of Christmas tree fires are also included to show how these fires can happen.

Report highlights

  • U.S. fire departments responded to an estimated average of 210 home1 structure fires per year that began with Christmas trees in 2010-2014. These fires caused an annual average of six civilian deaths, 16 civilian injuries, and $16.2 million in direct property damage. 
  • On average, one of every 34 reported home Christmas tree fires resulted in a death, compared to an average of one death per 142 total reported home fires. Although Christmas tree fires are not common, when they do occur, they are much more likely to be deadly than most other fires.
  • Four of every five Christmas tree fires occurred in December and January.
  • In one-quarter (26%) of the Christmas tree fires and 80% of the deaths, some type of heat source, such as a candle or equipment, was too close to the tree.

1Homes include one- or two-family homes and apartments or other multi-family housing.

fire works

1/2/2017 (Permalink)

fire works


Every year between the Fourth of July and new years eve/day fire works play a major roll in house damage as well as injury's NFPA’s Fireworks report provides estimates of fires and associated losses caused by fireworks through 2013. Information from the Consumer Product Safety Commission’s (CPSC’s) 2014 Fireworks Annual Report about the estimated number of injuries caused by fireworks that were seen in hospital emergency departments is also summarized. Additional details are provided about injuries seen in the month around July 4.

Report highlights

  • In 2013, fireworks caused an estimated 15,600 reported fires in the U.S., including 1,400 structure fires, 200 vehicle fires, and 14,000 outside and other fires.
  • More than one-quarter (28%) of fires started by fireworks in 2009-2013 were reported on Independence Day. Almost half (47%) of the reported fires on the Fourth of July were started by fireworks.
  • According to the CPSC, more than one-third (35%) of the people seen in emergency rooms for fireworks injuries from June 20-July 20, 2014 were under 15; nine percent were under five. 
  • CPSC data show that sparklers alone accounted for more than one one-quarter (28%) of the emergency room fireworks injuries seen from June 20-July 20, 2014.  

Fire And Smoke Do's and Don'ts

9/23/2016 (Permalink)


  •  Limit movement in the home to prevent soot particles from being imbedded into upholstery and carpets.
  •  Keep hands clean. Soot on hands can further soil upholstery, walls and woodwork.
  •  Blow or brush vacuum loose soot particles from upholstery, drapes and carpets.
  •  Place clean towels or old linens on rugs, upholstery and carpet traffic areas.
  • If electricity is off, empty freezer and refrigerator completely and prop doors open.
  •  Clean and protect chrome on kitchen and bathroom faucets, trim and appliances with light coating of Vaseline or oil.
  •  Wash house plants on both sides of leaves.
  •  Change HVAC filter.
  •  Tape double layers of cheesecloth over air registers.


  • Attempt to wash any walls or painted surfaces without first contacting your SERVPRO Professional.
  •  Attempt to shampoo carpet or upholstered furniture without first consulting your SERVPRO Professional.
  •  Attempt to clean any electrical appliances, TV sets, radios, etc. that may have been close to fire, heat or water without first consulting an authorized repair service.
  •  Use any canned or packaged food or beverages that may have been stored close to fire, heat or water. (They may be contaminated.)
  • Turn on ceiling fixtures if ceiling is wet. Wiring may be wet or damaged.
  •  Send garments to ordinary dry cleaner. Improper cleaning may set smoke odor.

SERVPRO of Mt.Laurel/Moorestown

Fire & Water – Cleanup & Restoration

24 Hour Emergency Service


Fire Evacuation Tips

9/23/2016 (Permalink)

When the Fire Alarm sounds, act immediately to ensure your safety. The Fire Alarm System is designed to provide you with an early warning to allow you to safely exit the building during an emergency situation.

  • NEVER ignore the alarm, assume the alarm is false, or assume it is only a fire alarm test. 
  • Everyone MUST evacuate the building by way of the safest and closest exit and/or stairway. NEVER use an elevator to exit during a fire alarm activation.
  • Once outside the building, move away from the building. Assemble across the street or along the sidewalk of the adjacent building.
  • The front of the building is where the fire fighters and fire trucks will be operating. Do not obstruct their access to the building.
  • If there is an incident occurring on the upper floors and glass is being blown out of the windows, the area below is the hazard zone where serious personal injuries will happen. Stay away from this hazard zone.
  • Once outside, never re-enter the building until you are told to do so by the fire department. SERVPRO of Cherry Hill/Haddonfield will be there to help 856-662-2772

Avoid Entering Your Home or Business after a Fire

9/23/2016 (Permalink)

Structure on fire.

It is very important that you avoid reentering your home or business after a fire, as this can result in severe personal injury or further damage to the structure. Depending on the extent of the fire damage, it is likely that the fire has damaged your building structure, which means the boards are fragile and can easily break if you apply any pressure to them. In addition, if your structure  has sustained water damage, this can also weaken its structure and create the possibility for electrocution if electricity is exposed to the excess water. Regardless of the extent of the damage to your home or business, you should always have a professional inspect your home or business before you try to enter it after a fire. SERVPRO of Mt.Laurel/Moorestown is here to help. Allow our certified staff to inspect your home or business. We can be reached at 856-778-4055 -24 hours a day every day.  

Smoke and Soot Clean Up

6/20/2016 (Permalink)

Smoke and Soot Damage Can Cause a Pervasive Odor in Home.

Smoke and soot is very invasive and can penetrate various cavities within your home, causing hidden damage and odor. Our smoke damage expertise and experience allows us to inspect and accurately assess the extent of the damage to develop a comprehensive plan of action.  

Smoke and soot facts:

  • Hot smoke migrates to cooler areas and upper levels of a structure.
  • Smoke flows around plumbing systems, seeping through the holes used by pipes to go from floor to floor.
  • The type of smoke may greatly affect the restoration process.

Different Types of Smoke

There are two different types of smoke–wet and dry. As a result, there are different types of soot residue after a fire. Before restoration begins, SERVPRO of Mt. Laurel / Moorestown will test the soot to determine which type of smoke damage occurred. The cleaning procedures will then be based on the information identified during pretesting. Here is some additional information:

Wet Smoke – Plastic and Rubber

  • Low heat, smoldering, pungent odor, sticky, smeary. Smoke webs are more difficult to clean.

Dry Smoke – Paper and Wood

  • Fast burning, high temperatures, heat rises therefore smoke rises.

Protein Fire Residue – Produced by evaporation of material rather than from a fire

  • Virtually invisible, discolors paints and varnishes, extreme pungent odor. 

Our Fire Damage Restoration Services

Since each smoke and fire damage situation is a little different, each one requires a unique solution tailored for the specific conditions.  We have the equipment, expertise, and experience to restore your fire and smoke damage.  We will also treat your family with empathy and respect and your property with care.

Have Questions about Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage?
Call Us Today – 
Mt. Laurel / Moorestown  856.778.4055

When the warmer weather hits, there’s nothing better than the smell of food on the grill.

6/15/2016 (Permalink)

Three out of five households own a gas grill, which translates to a lot of tasty meals. But it also means there’s an increased risk of home fires.

Each year an average of 8,900 home fires are caused by grilling, and close to half of all injuries involving grills are due to thermal burns. While nearly half of the people who grill do it year-round, July is the peak month for grill fires followed by May, June and August.